What is the make of your caravan?
A-Frame Lodg ABI Advent Aiken Alucasa Anderby Aracbo Arcabo Arronbrook Atlas Belmont Bespoke BK Bluebird Blue Anchor Brentmere Brentwood Cambrian Camelot Home Carabuild Carnaby Chalet Classique Continental Corona Cosalt Cresswell cristal Damson Lodge Danish Delta Eden Timber Elliot Europa European Log Evolution Le Fairview Fiesta Forester Galaxy Hallam Hallmark Haulfryn Heritage Highfield Holiday make Homeseeker Horizon Leis Hulse-Ross IRM Island Leisu Kingston Lakeland Lei Leighton Lod Lindera Lodg Lissett Louisiane Love Modu Movil Casa Neatwood New Era Newfoundland NJS Lodges Normandy Normandy Hom Norwegian Lo Oak Grove Ca OBS OHara Omar Pathfinder H Pearl PEC Pemberton Phoenix Pinelog Plantation Prestige Rapidhome Regal Reiver Richmond Rideau Robertson Roxburgh Scarletts Sitka Stately Stately Albi Stellar Sun Roller Sunseeker Swift Talacre Tamar The Hamilton Thorpe Park Tingdene Titans Tudor Victory Walker Broth Wessex Westbrook Western Buil Willerby Wiltshire Yorkshire Ho
What is the model of your caravan?
Caravan Type
Static Static - Single Unit Static - Twin Unit Lodge Holiday Lodge Park Home Chalet
Year Manufactured?
Select Cover Basis
New For Old
This cover ensures that if your caravan is stolen or damaged beyond economical repair you will receive settlement based on the replacement cost as new (or equivalent specification) PROVIDED the sum insured reflects the full replacement value of an equivalent new caravan.
Market Value
In the event of a total loss, you will receive the current market value for the caravan at the date of incident PROVIDED the sum insured reflects the full replacement value of an equivalent second hand caravan.
Are you sure the value you have stated is enough to replace your caravan with a brand new equivalent?
Contents & Personal Effects
Is the caravan used as main residence?
Select caravan usage
Please Select
Personal holiday use only Personal/family holiday use only Personal/family holiday use and hire & reward Business use Hire & reward only Permanent residence Commercially let only Other not listed
Club Membership
Please Select
Caravanners R Us
Venus Caravan Club
The Camping and Caravan Club
The Caravan Club
101 Forward Control Caravan C 77 (Bristol)Caravan & C Club 77 Club A.B.I. Owners Club Abbey Caravan Owners Club Adria Owners International C.C All Seasons Caravan Club Amateur Radio Caravan & C.C. American R.V. Club Amey Roadstone Corp S & S.C. Amigos Caravan & Camping Club Apex Caravan Club Assoc Of Rover Clubs Overseas Association Of Rover Clubs Astral Owners Club Austin Rover Swindon Auto Trail Owners Club Auto-Sleeper Owners Club Avon Caravan & Camping Club Avondale Caravan Owners Club Bailey Owners Caravan Club Bailey Ranger Facebook Group Bambi Owners Club Baptist Caravan Fellowship Barclays Bank Caravan Club Bawa Caravan Club Bessacarr Owners Club Breakaway Caravan & C.Club British Leyland C & C Assoc BSCBREAN Buccaneer Owners Club C & C Christian Fellowship Camping NI Capenhurst C & C Club Car Cruiser Owners Club Caravanners R Us Carlight Enthusiasts Club Castaways Camping Group Castleton Owners Club Catenian C/Vanning Fellowship Cavalier Caravan Club Cheltenham Owners Club Cheshire Retired Caravan Club Clana Castaways C & C C Clover Camping & Caravan Club Coachman Owners Club Comet Caravan Club Companions Camping Group Compass Owners Club Concord Caravan Club Concraft Camping Club Conway Owners Club Coronet Club Country Companions Club Cymdeithas Carafanwyr Club Deaf C & C Club Deanline Owners Club Derbyshire Retired C/Club Dowty Camping Club Dumfries & Galloway C C Dunelm Caravan Association E R F Caravan Club Eccles Owners Club Essex Thameside C/Van Club Estuary C/Van & Camping Club European Caravanning Assoc Fairford Caravan Owners Club Felldale Caravan Club Fire Service C & C Club Fleetwood Owners Club Fords Of Bridgend C & C Club Fosseway Caravan Club Fourways C & C C Freedom Caravan Club Freeway C & C Club Friends Caravan Club Friends Of Leukaemia C/Van C Good Time Caravanning Club Goodyear Caravan & Camping C Greenfields Caravan Club Griffin 1988 C & C Club Gt Manchester Police C & C C Gwent Ralliers Caravan Club Hadley Castle Caravan Club Halton Caravan & Camping Club Hamworthy Recreation Club Happy Wanderers C & C Club Happy Weekenders C.C.C. Herald Owners Club Historic Caravan Club Hotpoint C & C Club Hurn (Dorset) C & C Club Hymer Club International I O O F Camping & Caravanning International Caravanning Ass Invicta Trailer Club Jaguar Caravan Club Jesters Family Caravan Club Knowsley Caravan Club Kutrite Caravan Club Lancs Constabulary C & C Sect Leukaemia Research C Club Lincolnshire Masonic C.C. Loners Group Lucas Caravan & Camping Club Lucas Girling C & C Club Lucas Rists C & C Club Lunar Caravans Pleasure Club Lunar Owners Club Lymm Wine & Beer Circle C O Lynton Caravan Club Marconi Athletic & S C C S Mardon Club Massey Ferguson Caravan Club Merseyside Police C & C S Mid Essex Caravanning Assoc Mid-Sussex Campers Club Midland Friends Of Deaf Childn Moose Caravan & Camping Club Multiform Camping Club Mustang Caravan Owners Club Natwest Caravan Club New Forest C & C Club New Phoenix C & C Club None North & South Westerners C&Ca North Wales Land Rover Club Northumbria Caravan Ass Olympic Caravan Club Other Pennine Owners Club Penny Farthing C & C Club Perkins Camping & Caravan Club Perle Leda Owners Caravan Club Peugeot Talbot C & C Club Phoenix Caravan Club Pioneers Caravan Club Pirates Caravan Club Polar Owners Club Quaker Camping & Caravan Club Quintet Plus Caravan Club R.E.M.E. Assoc C.& C. Club Ramblers C & C Club Red Dragon C & C Club Red Rose Caravan Club Reliant Owners Club Rising Phoenix C & C Club Robin Owners Club Roma Caravan Club Royal Ordnance C & C Club Rpc Caravan & Camping Club Safari Caravan Club Saxon Crosses C & C Club Scottish Touring Caravanners C Segas Caravan Club Series Three Owners Club Seven Caravan Club Seventh Day Adventist C & C.C Shell Club & Caravan Section Smiths Industries Caravan Club Sprite Caravan Owners Club Square & Compasses C/Van Assoc Standard Triumph C C Sterling Caravan Owners Club Stirling Club Sunseekers Caravan Club Suntreckers C & C Club Swift Owners Club The Getaway Club The Loners Group The Midway Group The National Mardon Owners Cc The Shires Caravan Club Thomson Owners C Of Gb Thousand Caravan Club Three Valleys C/Van Club Trophy Caravan Club Twenty Five Plus Caravan Club Tyneside Leukaemia Research As U.R.C. Caravan Fellowship Valor Caravan Club Vanroyce C/Van Owners Club Vauxhall C & C Section Veteran Caravanners Club Viking Fibreline Club Viscount Owners Club Volkswagen Owners C/Van Club Volvo Owners C & C Section Waggoners Caravan Club Waltham Rovers Camping Club Wayfarers Caravan Club Welton Owners Club Wessex Winter Caravanners West Midland Travel C & C Club Westlands Sports C & C C Westwood C/Van & Camping C Wey Valley C & C Club Whitbread Samlesbury C & C C White Lion C/Van & C C White Rose Caravan & C C White Rose Caravan Companions Wild Rose C/C Club Windrush Owners Club Windsor Owners Club Wirral & Wales Caravanners Wolseley Caravan Club Worsley & District C & C C York Coronary Support Group York Fed'N Of Amateur W & B Yorkshire Freeway C. Club
Is the caravan owned by you?
The caravan is in a good state of repair and will be maintained ?
Has your caravan previously been declared a total loss or written off?
What type is your heating system?
Please Select
Please complete all fields highlighted red.
Your Caravan Insurance Quote
Add legal protection for only £10.00? More Details
Caravanners' Legal Protection gives you the power to protect your legal rights. If your caravan is involved in an accident that is not your fault, you have a legal right to claim back your losses from the person who caused the accident.
With Caravanners' Legal Protection, claims handlers will try to recover any losses for which you do not have sufficient insurance protection. If they agree that you need to take legal action, they will find and pay for a lawyer to represent you, if necessary.
Uninsured losses can include the following:
Compensation if you are injured and compensation for your family if you are killed.
Recovery of your policy 'excess' under your Caravan insurance policy.
Compensation for damage to your clothes, luggage or personal belongings if not covered elsewhere.
Compensation for loss of earnings.
Compensation for loss or use of your caravan.
If you do not have Caravanner's Legal Protection to recover all of your uninsured losses from the other side, you could also lose any no-claims discount you are entitled to.
Please answer all questions.
When would you like these changes to start?
Please note your policy is issued on the basis of these documents. If there are any points you are unsure of please do not hesitate to contact us.
Details of your quotation have been emailed to you. You can recall your quote details at anytime by clicking on the link in the email.
Please note cover is not effective until we have received payment and we have confirmed that cover is in force.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call us on 01943 850123.
Save for Later
Monthly Payments Confirmation
You have opted to pay your insurance premium/s by monthly Direct Debit. Please be aware that using premium finance will be more expensive compared to paying for your policy in full.
Frank Pickles Insurance Brokers are acting as a credit broker and not a lender. We use Close Brothers Limited trading as Close Brothers Premium Finance, referred to as Close Brothers to provide finance. We may receive a commission for introducing customers to them.
Are you happy for us to pass your personal data to them so they can set up this up?
If you have any questions about the credit agreement you can call them on 0333 321 8566.
To assess your application, Close Brothers may use credit scoring, credit reference agencies and automated decision-making systems. They will also carry out Anti-Money Laundering checks. These assessments will be completed after they’ve received your credit application. They’ll write to you if they need any further information. If for any reason your credit assessment isn’t successful, you’ll need to find another way to pay for your insurance policy.
Key information
Close Brothers will send you a pack, either by email or by post, which will include information about your credit agreement and let you know if there are any actions you need to take. It’s important you read this information as it will help you decide whether taking finance is right for you.
There are some important things you need to know about the credit agreement:
• It’s only suitable for financing your insurance policy
If you don’t make your payments on time:
• you’ll be charged a default fee of £30.00; and
• you may be charged late payment interest until the payment is made, meaning the cost of your borrowing may increase.
• your insurance policy may be cancelled; and
• court action may be taken against you for any outstanding monies. You’ll be liable for all sums owing and any charges.
• Missing payments may affect your credit rating which may make it more difficult or expensive for you to obtain credit in the future.
How to withdraw
Should you change your mind, you can withdraw from the credit agreement, free of charge, within 14 days starting the day after you enter into the agreement. Details of how to request this will be in the information pack you’ll receive from Close Brothers. You’ll then need to find another way to pay for your insurance policy.
Customer support
Also in the pack will be a link to their website and details about how you can contact them about other matters such as payment support, communication preferences, or any other queries or concerns about their product or service.
If you do not understand any of the information provided, or is there anything you’d like explained in further detail, please let us know.
Would you like to set up your monthly finance payments now?
Setting up the payment
Can you confirm you hold a UK Bank or Building Society account in your name which allows Direct Debits?
Your Direct Debit Details
Direct Debits can now be set up online. All the normal Direct Debit safeguards and guarantees apply.
Is the account that is to be debited in your name and are you the only person required to authorise debits?
• Confirmation of the bank details you’ve provided, along with a schedule that explains the amount and dates of your payments will be included in the information pack. The pack will be sent within 3 working days. It’s important you read this information so you are ready for the payments to be collected.
• The Direct Debit will appear as ‘CLOSE BROS LTD T/ACLOSEBROSPREMFI’ on your bank statement.
• If there are any changes to the amount, date, or frequency of your Direct Debit, Close Brothers will always give you two working days’ notice.
Please Confirm the Following
If known please provide your Caravan CRIS/Serial No
I have read and agree to the terms of business
Administration fee for any amendment £17.5
Cancellation within 14 days cooling off period £25
Cancellation after 14 days £50
I have read the insurers product information document and policy wording and agree with the terms and conditions.
You are not insured for loss or damage caused by the escape of water or oil or the freezing of water in any fixed water or heating installation between 1st November and 15th March in each year unless the damage occurs whilst the caravan: a) is occupied by you; and/or b) has had the water turned off at the mains and all equipment FULLY drained down (other than in respect of proprietary sealed central heating systems containing antifreeze which has been fitted and maintained to the manufacturers' specification). I understand and agree.
Please correctly complete all fields highlighted in red adhering to our terms of business.
Unfortunately you have not met the required criteria to purchase your policy by monthly payments, please return to the previous step to complete payment by debit or credit card.
This is a non advised sale which means we offer no advice or any recommendations for our products. It is your responsibility to understand what you are buying. We provide you with the information you need to make an informed choice regarding whether our product meets with your requirements and it is your decision to purchase this product.
IMPORTANT - Unless any agreement to the contrary is reached between us, this contract is subject to English law and all communications will be in English.
MATERIAL FACTS DEFINITION - Material facts are those that are likely to influence an insurer in the acceptance of this proposal and it is essential that you should disclose them. If you are in doubt as to whether a fact is material then, for your own protection, you should disclose it since failure to do so could affect the operation of your policy.
YOUR DUTY OF DISCLOSURE - You must take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to the insurer. This means that all the answers you give and statements you make as part of your insurance application, including at renewal and when an amendment to your policy is required, should be honest and accurate. If you deliberately or carelessly misinform the insurers, this could mean that part of or all of a claim may not be paid.
Your duty of fair presentation applies at the start of the policy, at renewal and when any variation of the policy is arranged. If you fail to make a fair presentation, the insurer may refuse to pay your claim or reduce the settlement amount, depending on the circumstances.
Frank Pickles Insurance Brokers Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Your documents will be emailed to you shortly; please take the time to read everything and advise us immediately if any information is incorrect or needs amending. We also recommend that you familiarise yourself with the claims procedure and contact numbers detailed in the policy wording.
It is our intention to provide a high level of service at all times. If you do have reason to make a complaint about our service you should contact us immediately. Our complaints procedure is detailed in our terms of business and you may be entitled to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
I have read and agree the statements above
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